When someone says they are not real, is it true?

Ghost Adventures
Can YOU handle the Lockdown?

Showings every Friday night on the Travel Channel.

I put this show on here because this is a great show, well prepared and very intense. The reason I enjoy this show is because of the intensity! Zak, Nick and Aaron perfectly prepared the "lockdowns." This page is to help explain the show,the places they go to, and the cast. 

Ghost Adventures introduction

"My name is Zak Bagans. I’ve never believed in ghosts until I came face to face with one. So I set out on a quest to capture what I once saw onto video. With no big camera crews following us around, I am joined only by my fellow investigator Nick Groff and our equipment tech Aaron Goodwin. The three of us will travel to the some of most highly active paranormal locations, where we will spend an entire night, being locked down from dusk until dawn. 'If this is the portal to hell, then why don’t you come up out of that ground and get us?!' Raw . . . Extreme . . . These are our Ghost Adventures."

Found in Wikipedia

Zak Bagans

Zak Bagans is the lead host of the new T.V. series "Ghost Adventures"

Nick Groff

THe fellow paranormal investigator mentioned in the introduction.

Aaron Goodwin

The Equipment Tech.

Season 1

Bobby Mackey's Music World

My personal favorite, Bobby Mackey's Music World is the holder of the "Hell's Gate." The history of the nightclub is full of satanic cults, murder, and love. Part of the history is of a woman named Johanna. She fell in love with a man, but her dad did not like the idea. He killed him. Above the center stage is a hotspot for paranormal activities because above the stage in a hidden cubby is where Johanna went after finding out what her father did, wrote a poem of her sadness, and then killed herself. The song "Johanna" by Bobby Mackey explains what happen. I put the lyrics and a link to the song on the page for Bobby Mackey's Music World. It is found in Wilder, Kentucky.


Houghton Mansion

The story of Houghton Mansion is that it used to be owned by the Houghton family. Almost all of the family died in a mobile accident. All of the woman, including A.C. Houghton's daughter, died quickly at the accident. The driver also killed himself in the horse shed after the accident,
feeling at fault of the deaths. It is located in North Adams, Massachutsetts.


Moundsville Penitenary

Many of the sightings here go back to the prisoner inmates that used to be imprisoned, from such things as man being killed in the showers to man actually being boiled in pots of beans. Many of the evidence they got had been threatening, especially the EVPS. It is currently located in Moundsville, West Virginia.


The Riddle House

The main story of the riddle house is of a man named Joseph was having financial problems, and he came to the house for work, and killed himself in the attic by hanging himself. Every person who ever came into the house would experience some type of paranormal experience. The spirits were most likely angered even more, because the house was moved from it's original place. One of the most famous paranormal act in this house would be when the attic caught fire. It caught fire in the exact same place, that it was recorded, that Joseph hung himself. On that same beam, and only that beam caught fire.It is found in West Palm Beach, Florida.



The Sloss Furnaces

The Sloss Furnaces's main story is of how so many men, and sometimes boys, were killed in the engines and motors of the furnaces. Many of the spirits are said to come from the many people that were killed in the early 1900s. The main ghost stories are comming from the spirit that is said to be from a former owner, Sloss, who was pushed from the highest tower, and it was made to look like suicide. It is found in Birgmingham, Alabama.



Abandoned Psychatric Hospital

Most of the old patients of the abandoned hospital were very ill of the mental illnesses that they had. Alot of the EVPS that they encountered were just of "hello"s and "help me"s. Physical harm was first noticed of an orb being captured on camera, going into Nick's head, and no more than seconds later, turning into a hand mark as if being slapped by something unknown. This abandoned building is found in Cedar Grove, New Jersey.


Edinburg Vaults

Another one of my personal favorites, and the first one that I saw, the Edinburg Vaults are underground vaults that are in Edingburg Scottland. These vaults were used for storage and workshops. Most of thesightings here come from a spirit they call "Mr. Boots", because when the u


Old Idaho State Penitentary

This state penitenary, or used to be known as Idaho Territoral Prison, was shut down in the 1950's. Many convicts came there, many of them murder's. Deaths would range from servering the head in the bathrooms, to boiling a man in a pot of beans. It is located in Boise, Idaho.


Ghost Adventures: The documentary film

This is a 2 hour long special, at least that's how I got it. In this episode is where they go back to the first place Zak Bagans ever saw an aparation, which started his career and obsession in the proffession of paranormal investigator. It was of a woman that killed herself in the bathtub of the apartment, which he was staying at the time. They captured a knocking noise and a pulsating mist that took the shape of the hand, that looked like it was the thing knocking.
The next place they went, they caught many noises, and shadowy figures. They even caught a brick being thrown across a room, which ended their investigation. They found out, that, two years later, some investigators came during the day and asked, "Why did you throw that brick?" ANd caught an EVP saying, "Didn't mean to hurt anybody..." This place is located in Virginia City.

for this i could only find the trailer.

Season Two

Preston Caslte

This one is definatly one of my definate favorites. It is a castle that used to be home to many boys that commited crimes, ranging from a simple theft, such as stealing a candy bar, to rapers and serial killers, of abandoned young boys that are now part of the state. One of the ghosts that is said to haunt the castle is the one of Anna Corbin, a maid that was brutely murdered and mutated. Her body was found in one of the kitchen cabinents. Two other of the most famous ghosts there would be of Samuel Goins and Joe Lopez. The were said to be accomplishes to an escape. Samuel Goins was shot down by a sniper and killed right outside of the building. Joe Lopez died 8 months later of mysterious causes. Many of the ghostly activity would be of partial possesions. The castle is located in Lone. California.


Castillo de San Marcos

This old fort has been alive since the 1600's. This is where spanish soldiers massacred the french. Many of the souls that are said to be left there are either spanish soldiers or french prisoners that were left in the dungeons for long periods of time, days even. This is the first episode that they use one of my favorite equipment, a camera that has a word database in it. it takes the electromagnetic waves from the air that the ghosts are giving off, and is able to decipher what the spirits are trying to say, even though Zak, Nick, or Aaron can not hear it. It shows the words on the screen of the camera. they got words like do not turn when they were about to turn out a certain room. They even got words like upstairs. They followed the instructions and went upstairs and caught an aparition on a static night camera. it is located in St. Augustine, Florida.


Magnolia Lane Plantation

Magnolia Lane Plantation was a major slave plantation. There are small houses around the area, where they stayed, and if you look closely enough, there are small signs that they exsisted. It is said that slaves practiced Voodooism, and cast curses on the slave owners, use spells to protect there place of stay, and little trinkets to take a person's luck, and bring it to themselves. To get into touch with these spirits, Zak, Nick, and Aaron practiced a Voodoo ritual to see if they could get activity from the spirits that used to do the same exact thing. They did right, in that aspect. A picture was taken, and they caught a distinct face in the smoke of the torches they had lit. As Zak and Aaron stayed in one of the slave houses, Zak heard stomping and people crying out, as if millions of people were there, preforming a ritual, while Aaron, in the room over, could hear nothing. Luckily, on the video's audio, they caught a feint sound, to what Zak had heard. They also were passing by one of the houses, and they saw a light flickering in one of the houses that the owner had said had no connection what so ever. It seemed to be flickering in response to Zak's questions. It is found in Natchitoches, Louisiana.

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