When someone says they are not real, is it true?

They say a dog is the most sensitive to spirits......

Recently, I ahve moved in with my dad an hour away from my family town, for reasons that id rather not talk about. Before I did, though, i was visiting my dads house in August.my brother went out to bring one of the dogs in, Reba, the female boxer that had recently had eight puppies, sadly only yow survived. My brother then went to go get her to feed the puppies and came back in screaming. Reba had died and was, in all respective manner, stiff as if she had been for hours. We found out that she had died from drinking chemicals that were used when we were trying to clean the carpets, and the feeling was overwhelming. Ever since then, well, this may seem normal to you but, the next door neighbors dog. When we were first there, the friendly boxer was friendly, but a little shy. She was sweet. A nie addition to the neighbors. But, ever since Reba died, the neighbors dog barks. at everything and every one. it kinda scares me.....

A bright light

Since it's summer for me, I always take showers at around 12 or 1 am in the morning, since I can be alone with only the occasional people needing to come in and use the restroom. I got in the shower, and just stood under the water for alittle bit, geting used to the feeling. I opened my eyes and in the corner of the shower, I saw a shadow move, in about two places at the same time. I stood there, just staring at the corner, seeing shadows move every second, and, the first time i moved my eyes away from the corner, i saw (in the corner of my eye) a giant bright light (that kinda looked like a small headlight of a car) flash quickly, and once i turned my head, it was gone, of course. That's what made me get out of the shower. Because I think I know why it looked like a headlight...........

My Ghostly Experiences

This is my first post for my ghostly experiences. I will start with the most recent. Other than me ALWAYS seeing dark shadows out of the corner of my eye, and turning my head to see who's there, and seeing nothing but air, I was watching a music video with my cousin, and I heard a HUGE bang from behind me. I turned my head, and I saw that someone had knocked my brother burly backpack into the table, but no one was around to be seen. I turned to my cousin and brother, thinking that they heard the bang, and waiting for my cousin's cry of suprise, but they were staring at the computer, as though nothing strange had EVER happened....

It starts all over

My cousins are starting to tell me that they are hearing things too. My eldest cousin came to me this morning, and told me that she was alone in the bathroom, and her someone behind her whisper "hey," and she turned around, and found nothing. The strange thing is is that is the first thing i ever heard "john" say, besides whi

My new scary situation

For the past week, I stayed at my father's house with my mom and brother so we could help him out with his female boxer, because she just had puppies. During that week, there was also another family there, two kids, a mom, and the mom's boyfriend. My brother knows that I am into ghosts and paranormal activities, and told the boy from the kids, because there was a boy and a girl, everything I taught him about ghosts. The boy, only about 9 years old, started using every thing in the room to seem like a ghost made it happen, such as a crack in the wall, or an oil stain, which is not at all mysterious, because my dad is a repo driver, so naturally, everything of his gets covered in oil, no matter what it is. My brother can be dense some times, and he followed along with the 9 year old, and actually lokked up at the sky and said that the clouds were making shapes to tell the what was happening at the time, or what was going to happen. And also, when we first came there, my brother found a paper cut out of a foot that, written in crayon, was the words "frog min". As you can tell, it was probably left by the previous owners, who had a young child. But my brother, being dense, told the 9 year old that it was a cursed object, adn if they moved it, the spirit would be mad. This went on for a while. THey found a plastic mirror that had a little glue on the back, stuck it on the wall, and asked the ghost to knock it off the wall, and it indeed fell off. I have to admit, it was pretty amazing, but the glue on the back was not strong AT ALL so it coul have been coinsidense, but they swore up and down that they saw it float for a second, then fall. At first I thought that they were just making it up since the boy was 9 and the girls was 7. but i have doubts that i was right. the night before we left my father's, i slept in the room that they claimed that the ghost was in. I started hearing noises. I thought that I was just being paranoid about what they said, adn just scaring myself, but it kept going. And then I started to fell nausious. So nausious that I even went to the bathroom, convinced that I wasn't going to make it through the night, but nothing ever came up, and I was even begging God to make me throw up so I would feel at least a little better. It even hurt to lie down. I finally lied down and even closed my eyes, but then I heard foot steps at the door. I lokked, no one was there. And in that room, there was a bench next to the window. I layed my head down again, and I heard the bench creak like someone had sat on it. Finally getting scared wittless, I went to my mom's bedroom, because my dad was at work, because he has crazy hours, and told her I didn't feel so well. SHe told me to lie down in the living room. I hurried back to the room, and grabbed my blanket, and ran from the room, into the living room. But the bad thing is that on the couch, you can see clearly into the room. I got restless, and started pacing, waiting for it to turn light outside. It was around 4 or 5 in the morning. Everytime I walked pass the bedroom door, I felt someone watching me from the bench. The feeling felt STRONG. so strong, I got too scared to walk in front of the door. Finally, scared that my dad would come home, see me pacing like i was, I gathered the courage to go back into the room and sleep. I walked into the room, and I suddenly didn't feel scared anymore. I felt.....protective..... I felt like a dog, protecting my land, and even bared my teeth. I layed down, and didn't fall asleep till it was broad daylight.......

A nervous night

Usually I woudn't be afraid to walk around my house at night. Yes, I would be a little timid goig through the hallway, because from some reason, I am just really scared of hallways in the middle of the night. So, last night, I went to take a shower, as I said above, now that it is summer, I'd rather take a bath at around 12 or 1 am in the morning, for less disturbances. Well, I have been kinda wrong about that. I would be in the bath and be getting used to the water, and I would see shadows. Well, last night I not only saw shadows, but I also heard a child crying, right next to me. I also heard someone messing on the sink cabinet right outside of the shower. I am always being watched, or so it feels.......

A Nerving sight

This experience that I am telling you is happening at this moment. It is 12:21 at night, and I have been on the computer for about an hour. I keep seeing this dark shadow next to me. My laptop is placed on a vanity, and you know what people say about mirrors. I would suddenly look up, for any reason, and for a split secound, not even that long, I can see a dark shadow. Most people would describe it as a man like form, but I am not sure. It is cold, especially on my right sholder. My feet are freezing. I would turn around, again, not knowing why, and I would see the shape again, for not even a split second. what do you think of this?? Tell me in my blogs. Leave a comment............ idk what's going on.....................

A psychic sense growing stronger......

Under "a bright light" i told you that i saw 2 shadows put of the corner of my eye. i hav efigured out why there was more than one.....
Originally, to tell you the truth, i thought it was John. That he was trying to show himself to me. I now know that i was wrong.
During the summer, I had a dream about that house (at the time I was living at my Aunt's house) and, to not go into too much detail, I saw these 3 shadows run across the wall in the living room over and over and over. The same 3 shadows. I was talking to my mom one night about John, and wondering if he was still with me, and my mom declared that John left me when I moved to my aunt's. There was no room. I asked her why and she said it was because there were 3 adult ghosts in that house. That explains the three shadows of my dream.......
**************************************************************************  Under "my new scary situation", i reported a ghost at my dad's house. I was right. There is this old man there. around the age of 70 years old. We knew he was there for a while, so we ignored him. It seemed to work out just fine, until something happened.
That weekend, I had gone to my mom's without my brother, because he was staying the night at a friends house in mesquite. The difference about this time is that here was more room in the car . that noght i fell asleep at my mom's and had a strange dream. I had a dream that the old man (i call him the old man, my mom calls george.......idk why though...) followed me to my moms. He scared the hell out of me in my dream......
We went home early that weekend for reasons i dont have time to explain. My mom called me the next day amazed.
"You brought the old man with you...." She exclaimed.
i asked her how she knew.
"last night i heard footsteps, someone messing with the hangers in my closet, and the coffee machine go off." She explained. I asked her how she knew it was the old man, adn she told me she just knew........ I told her I didnt know how he got there, and was generally surprised, until..... I remembered my dream...... *************************************************************************** Now, the only thing I want to know is......... WHERE IS JOHN????......... my mom said he moved on. He was here because he wanted a friend, and he chose me, and I was holding him back....... I dont believe that......... He's still here.........Maybe not with me, but......idk.......i can just feel it.......

A Weakling wanting to be stronger.

I am now in another house. In Mckinney. Not Mesquite. Not Wylie. Mckinney. My mom's boyfriends.
When we first came, this house seemed cleaned of all spirits, and to tell you the truth...I've never felt a relief like that. No spirits. No people lurking in corners. Never have I been somewhere that didn't have something. and that is not a lie.
That has changed.
I am now sitting on the PC, which resides in the dining room. Alot of paranormal things seems to be happening, and I try to debunk, but none come to mind.
1. In the hallway ((Reminder: hallways at night are my only fear.)) I heard a door open. In this house, the foundation is a little off, and so are the hinges, so a door simply opening by itself is not something that happens. And it is loud. It made me jump, and I was listening to music, on the loudest setting I could put it.
2. I am dseeing many shadows. I see them mostly out of my left eye....AT THE HALLWAY. Shadows lurking on the floor near my feet, at the hallway.
3. I have the feeling of being watched. Strongly. The hair on my arms, and on my neck are seriously standing up.
4.I feel little touches here and there every now and then, but that maybe just me.

I will not be afraid anymore. I will help this spirit, if it needs it. I can't tell that yet.

A Family's picture

This picture was taken my my second cousin, Theresa. I call her Aunt Theresa. She set it on her facebook page, but I don't think she really noticed anything. Do you?

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